Navigating Folia's "In-Project View"

Here's everything you need to know about the features and functions of "In-Project View"

What is "In-Project View"?

In-Project View is the first dashboard you see once you open a project. This view shows all the files within a project and other important details.  

What can you do through "In-Project" View?

I. How to Share a Project

  1. Locate the "Share" button along the top right corner of the In-Project View menu.
  2. Tap "Share" to open the project sharing window and invite collaborators via email or through a controlled access link.

Learn more about project sharing and collaborator permissions:

How to Share a Folia Project


II. Get to Know Project Details

Along the top bar of the In-Project View, you'll see: 

  • Project Name & Description
  • Project Owner listed as "Owned by [Name]"
  • Project collaborators shown as "Shared with # people"

Check out further details by tapping on the information icon (this looks like a circled i). Selecting the information icon will open a right-hand side panel that includes the project name, project creator and owner, the date that the project was last edited, the number of documents within the project, and how many users the project is shared with.

You'll also notice a 3-vertical dots button to the left of the "Share" button. Along with sharing and editing project details, you can also tap the 3-vertical dots button to duplicate or delete a project.

Project Details

III. How to Add a Document

Next to the "Share" button along the top right of the menu, you'll see the "+ Add Document" button. 

  1. Tap the "+ Add Document" button to open the Storage Connections menu. 
  2. The Storage Connections menu shows all of the quick access locations you've added to your Folia account. Learn more about adding storage connections to Folia here.

    Note: "From Files", "Library", and "Camera" will be in the Storage Connections menu by default.
  3. Select the storage connection that houses the file you wish to add to the project. Locate the document, then choose the file and tap "Upload" to add it to your project.

    Note: The document will highlight in blue when it's officially selected. 

    Tap cancel as needed to end the "+ Add Document" process.Add Document

IV. Organizing Files within a Project

In-Project View helps you sort files so you can stay organized and work efficiently. Here are a few ways to organize your project.

  • Sort By: Opt to sort by Name, Date Added, or Last Modified in ascending or descending order.
  • Grid & List View: Toggle the grid icon or the list icon to view documents in either format
  • Favorites: Tap the greyed-out star in the top left corner of a document tile to store a frequently used file as a favorite. For more information on favoriting documents, check out: How to Favorite Files within Folia

Organizing Document

V. File Actions

Select the 3-vertical dots in the top right corner of any document (or on the right side while in document list view).

Copy to Project: Use this option to duplicate the file and move it to a new project or location within Folia. Tap "Copy to Project", then select the project you'd like to move the duplicate to. Once you choose the new project location, select "Copy" to confirm the action.

Download Document: Select this action to save any file to your device or share it outside of Folia. Tap "Download Document" to download the file as a PDF. First, it will populate as a new PDF.

View Details: See details for a specific file including who uploaded the document, the date it was uploaded, and when the document was last modified. You can also see the file format and size. Here, you can download the file as a PDF and access the file's source location.

Note: Selecting "Go to Source File" will redirect you to the storage location in which the file is stored).

Rename Document: Select "Rename Document" to open the naming pop up. Once you've adjusted the document name tap "Save Changes" to confirm your changes.

Delete Document: Tap "Delete Document" then confirm deletion by selecting "Delete Document" on the pop up that follows. Tap "Never mind" to cancel the deletion process.

File Actions 1File Actions 2


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Updated June 2024