How Do I Change A Tool's Default Settings?

How to change the default color or other setting of an existing tool on the toolbar.


There are a couple of ways you can change the default setting of a tool from the toolbar: 

If you change the settings after making an annotation, the app views the change as specific to the annotation, and not the tool, so the change won't be permanent. Read on to find out how to make your changes stick with the tool. 

  1. Tap and hold the tool icon on the toolbar to reveal a menu allowing you to change settings available for that tool. This can be done without requiring tool use. Below you'll see a couple of examples
    1. Pencil: Tap and hold the pencil on the toolbar to reveal the menu shown below. Here you can change the color, opacity, and diameter of the pencil. The settings will be applied immediately to the pencil and available the next time you use the pencil tool.   
    2. Typewriter (text box): Tap and hold the typewriter on the toolbar to reveal the menu shown below. Here you can change the font type, face, size and alignment. The settings will be applied immediately to the typewriter and available the next time you use the tool.  
  1. At use: Tap the tool as if you're selecting it for use. Before making an annotation, change the settings in the menu on the upper right. Then make an annotation. This will change the tool's default settings and save the setting you chose.  We'll use the same two examples as above for comparison below: 
    1. Pencil: Tap the pencil on the toolbar to reveal the horizontal menu on the top right (shown below). If you tap the color square, you can change the color, opacity, and diameter of the pencil. The settings will be applied once you use the pencil tool. (This menu also gives you access to other editing features of the annotation.)

    2. Typewriter (text box): Tap the typewriter on the toolbar to reveal the horizontal menu on the top right (shown below). Here you can change the font type, face, size and alignment. Tap the colored square to change the color. Then tap the page where you want to place your text.  The settings will be applied and saved to typewriter tool.  
  2. We also have an option to add custom tools to the toolbar by editing the toolbar.

    Look here to learn how to add custom tools to the toolbar.


Lastly, If you only want to change the setting of the specific annotation already made and not change the default setting of the tool for each use, please follow these steps: 

Change the settings after making an annotation to make one-off changes to your annotation. Tap and hold the existing annotation on the page. This will reveal an annotation specific menu horizontally along the upper right. Again, we'll use the same examples as above: 

    1. Pencil: Tap the pencil annotation on the page. A dotted box will appear around the annotation and the annotation specific menu will appear horizontally in the upper right. 

    2. Typewriter: Tap the typewritten annotation on the page. A dotted box will appear around the annotation and the annotation specific menu will appear horizontally in the upper right. The cursor (caret) icon allows you to edit the text in the box, the colored square allows you to change the color, the letter A shows the options to change the font type, face, size and alignment.