How to Favorite Files within Folia

Folia helps you keep track of your most used documents by "favoriting" them with a star. Learn more about using Favorites in Folia.

Folia lets you mark documents as favorites with a ⭐ icon so you can access them quickly using the favorites toolbar (within the left-side panel).

To Favorite a File

  1. Simply tap the greyed-out star icon in the top left corner of a document tile. 
  2. The star will turn gold to show that the file has been "favorited". 
  3. Now you can quickly find a favorited file within the "Favorite Documents" section of the left-side panel.

    See how the left side panel pops out to reveal the "Favorite Documents" list.


To Unfavorite a File

  1. Tap the gold star icon in the top left corner of a document tile to remove the file from favorite status.


Looking for more information on favoriting files or organizing documents? Contact our support team at


Updated June 2024