Update Intune License Key

How to update a license key in the iAnnotate for Intune Customer Portal

Any updates made to your configuration, i.e., extended expiration dates, changing a remote connection, etc., will require the license key in Intune be updated.

  1. Copy/paste your new license key from the iAnnotate portal:  https://enterprise.iannotate.com
  2. Open Intune @ https://endpoint.microsoft.com and log-in with your credentials
    1. Go to Apps -> App configuration policies -> tap on “iAnnotate for Intune / O365”
    2. Under “Settings” tap “Edit”
    3. Find “IALicense” -> select the text in the “value” field and delete the old license key (you do not need to tap “…” and delete the app config, just delete the license key)
    4. Paste the new license key you copied above in Step 1
    5. At the bottom tap “Review + save” then “Save”
    6. Your new license key will now be active (you may need to wait a few minutes for Intune to communicate with iAnnotate)